Over 60 international rights deals for books by Avent, Kingsley, Wicks and Judkins

Combined deals with over 60 international publishers have now been signed for four books represented by Jonathan Conway Literary Agency. These titles are:
The Wealth of Humans: Work and Its Absence in the Twenty-first Century by Ryan Avent (UK Allen Lane / Penguin, US St. Martin's Press)
The New Odyssey: The Story of Europe's Refugee Crisis by Patrick Kingsley (UK Guardian Faber / US Norton)
Lean in 15 - The Shift Plan: 15 Minute Meals and Workouts to Keep You Lean and Healthy by Joe Wicks (UK Bluebird / Pan Macmillan, US William Morrow / HarperCollins)
The Art of Creative Thinking by Rod Judkins (UK Sceptre / Hodder & Stoughton, US TarcherPerigee / Penguin)